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How to Use Numerology Life Path 8

Your life path number is determined by your birth date. Other numbers in your life may change, but not this one. Your life path tells you what your life tools and lessons are about. Life path number eight is the number of returning karma and opportunity. You are reviewing the lessons you've brought from other lifetimes, and reinforcing what you choose to keep. Read on to learn how to use numerology life path number eight.

Things You'll Need

  • Honesty with yourself
  • Courage
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    • 1

      The eight life path is the time to learn what really matters. Things of dishonesty in the past may present themselves again in this lifetime. Even important choices that you made well may revisit you.

    • 2

      Eight has a built-in sense of the relationship between the past, present and future. It's almost impossible for you to look at a situation and not also see what probably led to it and what will happen next. You can probably see the best way to improve the situation, too.

    • 3

      You'll probably have a recurring pattern of people entering, leaving and returning to you. Things and people just have a way of returning to you eventually.

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      You could be a wonderful counselor, helping other people to see the patterns and recurring events of their lives. You also probably have the compassion to do it, just remember that sometimes your direct honesty can be hard to take.

    • 5

      Know that another possible interest or career could be anything involving history and antiques. You could be the guy with great stories down at the local antique store, or some body's high school history teacher.

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