Things You'll Need
You need to combine the month and day of a birth with year you're asking about.
Start with a birth date. An example is 12/30/1925. For the Personal Year Number, you drop the year, so you are left with 12/30. 1+2+3=6.
Add the number from your month and day to the year in question. If your birth date is 12/30, and the current year is 2002, then you add the 6 from Step One to 2002. 6+2+2=10. 10 reduces to 1, so for a birth date of 12/30, 2002 is a Personal Year of 1.
Look up your Numerology Personal Year Number in the following list. You can also look for Numerology websites, or consult with a professional Numerologist. You can also search for other articles on Numerology on
One (1) is the number of union. It is also the number of the pioneer, the number of creation. A One Personal Year tells you that you will be starting new projects, perhaps moving or changing jobs. It can also mean a new relationship is coming!
Two (2) is the number of balance. It is also the number of partnership and completion. A Two Personal Year is a good time to finish up those projects that have been hanging around. A relationship that started last year and is still going strong in a Two Year is one that will probably last. A Two Year could even mean making that relationship permanent!
Three (3) is the number of expansion. A Three Personal Year is a year of growth and change. There may be unexpected bumps in the road, but confidence will handle them. Just know that not everything can be black and white, and sometimes we have to adjust to life as it happens.
Four (4) is the number of discipline and order. A Four Personal Year is about putting all the pieces into place. It's also a good year for financial commitments. This is a good time to think about buying a house, or starting that retirement savings plan.
Five (5) is the number of freedom and change. A Five Year is a good year for traveling, or going back to school. Keep your eyes open in a Five Year, there will be unexpected opportunities!
Six (6) is the number of responsibility. A Six Year means things to handle, people to take care of, even if it's just you. The important part is to do it gracefully, and know that your rewards will come in their own time.
Seven (7) is the number of the intellect, and the deeper mysteries of life. A Seven Year can mean loss or opportunity, or both. You always must look for the hidden gifts in whatever life presents to you. A Seven Year can also mean travel and change, but it's usually more of an inner journey than outer.
Eight (8) is the number of regeneration and continuity. An Eight Year can bring people from your past back into your life. Perhaps there are issues that need closure, perhaps it's just that it's time to be back in contact after a time of absence. Be careful not to get stuck in old dramas, look for the new lessons!
Nine (9) is the number of finality and completion. It's also the