Write down all the letters of your full birth name, including your middle name. Each letter of your name will be assigned a corresponding number.
Match up the following numbers with the letters of your name by carefully writing the correct number for each letter over it: a = 1, b = 2, c = 3, d = 4, e = 5, f = 6, g = 7, h = 8, i = 9, j = 1, k = 2, l = 3, m = 4, n = 5, 0 = 6, p = 7, q = 8, r = 9
Notice how the numbers repeat above after the letter "i." That's because in numerology double-digit numbers (for instance, 10 or 12) are added together. So 10 is 1 + 0 = 1, and 12 is 1 + 2 = 3. Look at the pattern above carefully and you will understand.
Add up all the numbers for each name individually as above to one digit. Then take those three numbers you have for the first, middle and last name and add those numbers up to one digit.
Make an exception for the Master numbers which are 11, 22 and 33. Leave these numbers double digit. So now you have one final number and that is your destiny number.
Find a numerology book or go online for interpretation of the numbers relating to your destiny number.
Say your expression number is 8; here is one numerologist's take: You have great strength and ambition, and are a strong leader. You're very good with money. However, you can be a bit rigid and stubborn. To achieve greater happiness, learn to share your drive with the everyday, simple joys of life.
s = 1, t = 2, u = 3, v = 4, w = 5, x = 6, y = 7 and z = 8.