Hobbies And Interests

How to Make a Synthetic Ruby

Manufacturers make synthetic rubies using several different techniques, such as flame fusion, Czochralski process, flux growth and a hydrothermal process. All of them require special tools and complicated steps. Making a synthetic ruby at home requires boiling water and waiting weeks. Synthetic rubies come from potassium aluminum sulfate, also called alum, with dye or chromium to make it red. Alum is available in craft and groceries stores because it is a food additive. Home-grown rubies are only colored crystals that look like real rubies. They are cubed shaped and dark red.

Things You'll Need

  • Pot
  • 6 cups of water
  • 1 gallon clear container
  • 1/2 pound alum
  • Long spoon
  • Red food coloring
  • Rough rock, 6-inches-by-2-inches
  • Paper towel
  • Zip lock bag
  • Candy thermometer
  • Towel
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    • 1

      Pour the water into the pot and heat it on the stove until the water is boiling. Turn off the stove.

    • 2

      Pour the alum into the clear container. Pour the boiling water into the container and over the alum.

    • 3

      Stir the water and alum until the alum is completely dissolved.

    • 4

      Add several drops of food coloring and stir the liquid. Keep adding drops and stirring until the liquid is a dark red.

    • 5

      Place the rock inside the container so it sits at the bottom.

    • 6

      Cover the top of the container with a towel and leave it in a dry place for one week.

    • 7

      Pour the liquid from the container into the pot.

    • 8

      Remove the rock and all the crystals from the container and set them on paper towels to dry. Let them dry for three days.

    • 9

      Break some of the crystals off the rock so that you have a few crystals remaining attached to the rock. Place the rock into the clear container.

    • 10

      Place the remaining crystals inside a zip-lock bag. Squeeze the bag to make sure all the air is out and then close the bag. Cover the bag with the towel. Smash the crystals with the hammer so the crystals are as small as possible.

    • 11

      Pour the smashed crystals into the liquid in the pot. Heat the liquid over medium-high heat until the crystals are completely dissolved. Stir the mixture occasionally to prevent the crystals from settling on the bottom for too long and to mix up the liquid and melted crystals.

    • 12

      Turn off the stove and let the liquid cool. Place the candy thermometer in the liquid and wait for the temperature to drop to 122 degrees Fahrenheit.

    • 13

      Pour the liquid into the clear container with the rock.

    • 14

      Cover the container with a towel and place it in a cool room with a constant temperature. The room must stay the same temperature the entire time the container is inside. Leave the container in the room for one month.

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