Start by explaining what sulphur is and where it's naturally found. This will lead you into more in-depth explanation and complicated material.
Detail the man-made processes that create sulphur. Cover each one individually, answering any questions along the way.
Cover petroleum production before the others since it is the most common. Explain how the world's dependence on oil has created a high level of sulphur oxide as a byproduct of the process.
Move on to sulphuric acid production through metal smelting. Mention that "well over half of global sulphuric acid production comes from burning elemental sulphur at points of consumption, with most of the remainder produced at non-ferrous metals smelters and pyrites mines."
Close with how incidental manufacturing processes leave a sulphuric byproduct. According to the "Canadian Encyclopedia," "[sulphur] is employed in the production of almost everything we eat, wear or use."