Things You'll Need
Scratch an inconspicuous part of the stone with your fingernail. If the stone is authentic jade, it will not scratch. If the stone is scratched, it is not jade.
Use a steel knife and scratch an inconspicuous part of the jade stone. If there is a deep mark, the stone is not jade. If the scratch is superficial, the stone is most likely nephrite; if there is no scratch, the stone is jadeite.
Hold a piece of jade in your palm until it reaches approximately the same temperature as your hand. Set aside the piece of jade for about 25 seconds. Pick up the piece of jade and hold it to the tip of your tongue. If the stone is cool, it is authentic jade.
Examine the piece of jade for air bubbles or fractures. If air bubbles or fractures are present, the stone is not jade.
Hit two pieces of jade lightly against each other. Two authentic pieces of jade will produce a clear, musical tone when you hit them against each other.