Things You'll Need
Fill an Erlenmeyer flask with about 200 ml of warm water.
Put on protective gloves and eye goggles. Copper sulfate is poisonous if swallowed and could burn your eyes if it splashes.
Add about 10 grams of copper sulfate crystal to the water and gently swirl the flask until the crystals dissolve. The water should turn a dark, clear blue color.
Sprinkle about 20 grams of baking soda into the copper sulfate solution a teaspoon at a time. The baking soda causes the solution to fizz and climb up the neck of the flask; wait for the bubbles to stop each time before adding more baking soda.
Line a glass beaker with filter paper. You can get this thick paper from science supply stores or simply use three coffee filters layered together. Slip the funnel into a glass beaker, narrow-end down. The mouth of the beaker should support the funnel.
Pour the baking soda and copper sulfate solution into the funnel. The liquid will drain away, leaving copper carbonate crystals in the filter paper. These crystals are powdery and blue-green in color.
Remove the filter paper from the funnel and transfer the crystals to clean filter paper. Let the crystals dry for about 3 hours.
Measure the weight of the crystals on a balance and measure out two-thirds of the crystals' weight in activated carbon. For instance, if you have 15 grams of copper carbonate, measure out 10 grams of activated carbon.
Add the copper carbonate crystals and the carbon to a steel saucepan. The pan must not have a non-stick coating. You should also choose a pan you don't want to use for food ever again.
Place the pan over a Bunsen burner for about 20 minutes. The carbon and copper carbonate will react together to create metallic, smelted copper. The mixture will become black at first, then warm into small copper pieces.