Things You'll Need
Pinch about 1 oz. of precious metal clay from the package. Sterling silver clay is an ideal affordable choice for a simple double ball ring. You can also select gold or bronze from a craft or hobby supply vendor.
Roll the wad of metal clay between your thumb and forefinger to lengthen it. It will also become skinnier as it lengthens. It should be about 4 inches long when you are done and equal width for the entire length.
Snip off 2 mm of clay from either end of the skinny roll you just made. Roll each 2 mm wad of clay between your thumb and forefinger to form them into small balls.
Wind the strip of clay around the finger you want to wear it on, wrapping in a spiral up your finger if it must be wound more than once.
Slide the formed clay ring from your finger carefully. Press a ball on each free end. This creates the double balled ring.
Place the completed, firm clay ring on a baking sheet. Preheat your oven to 450 degrees and let it heat up for 15 minutes. Place the sheet in the oven on the lowest rack, by the heat coil. Bake the ring for 20 minutes. Let it cool to room temperature.
Sand the surface of the ring to smooth out the rough areas. Spray it with a layer of gloss spray, and let it air dry for 10 minutes. This makes it smooth enough to wear.