Type A
Type A jadeite represents the highest-quality form of jadeite, and also tends to be the most expensive. To produce jade from this material, manufacturers cut and polish the jadeite to give it a clear, mirror-like reflection. Over time, the material darkens into a rich green shade, or a variety of other deep colors. Jadeite within this category cannot be bleached or dyed, and must be produced from high-quality sources. According to the Swiss Gemmological Institute Alumni group, some Type A jadeite may be washed in acidic plum juices, which serve as a traditional method of removing impurities. Chemical bleaches may not be used; however, the jade may be dipped in wax to fill any surface imperfections and give the stone a shiny finish.
Type B
Type B jadeite refers to all jadeite that has been subject to bleaching to remove excess oxidation and stains. A paraffin wax may also be added to the surface of the stone to improve color and add transparency. Some casual jade buyers may have trouble distinguishing this material from Type A jadeite, but experienced jewelers can tell the difference with spectroscopy tools. According to Geohavens.com, Type B jadeite is the most common variety of jade on the market in most areas.
Type C
Type C jadeite consists of stone that has been stained or dyed to give it a rich, desirable coloring. According to Pala International, the color on this jadeite fades fairly quickly when subject to everyday wear and tear. Dyeing or staining also takes away the natural transparency of jade, leaving it largely opaque. To spot this type of jade, buyers can use a microscope to look for color concentrated in cracks or voids.
Type B-C
Type B-C jadeite includes all jade that has been both bleached and dyed to achieve the desired color or finish. It tends to feature a lower quality than Type A, B or C jadeite, and the color often fades fairly quickly.
Type D
Type D jadeite, also known as doublet, represents the lowest-quality and most affordable type of jadeite. Manufacturers produce Type D jadeite in the form of a layered composite, with real jadeite attached to plastic or other base materials.