Diamonds in General
From a metaphysical or spiritual perspective, diamonds invigorate and impart energy, setting into motion the forces of accumulation, abundance and cohesion. They give courage and strength to the possessor and clear emotional pain. Bringing clarity of mind, diamonds stimulate and foster creativity. They also enhance the powers of other crystals. From a health standpoint, diamonds purify and detoxify. They build stamina and help with glaucoma and vertigo. There must be physical contact with the diamond in order to obtain its healing effects, according to the alternative health website Peaceful Mind.
Blue Diamonds in Particular
Blue diamonds strengthen willpower and motivate people to improve their health, according to Charms of Light, a healing therapies website. The color blue in a diamond gives rise to peace and creative expression, instilling idealism, dedication and a sense of perspective. Blue soothes the body, in particular the respiratory system, eyes, ears, nose and throat.
The Color Blue in Stones
The specific shade of blue in a crystal can have its own properties. Crystal therapist Olga Rezo says light blue crystals build trust, faith and inspiration. They purify and promote self-confidence. Dark blue crystals enhance mental abilities and stabilize psychic powers. Indigo crystals cure the eyes and bring universal wisdom.
Chakras is a Sanskrit term referring to energy centers in the body. Diamonds in general are associated with the crown chakra, or seventh chakra, which corresponds with the pineal gland. When balanced, this chakra will give rise to positive traits such as self-sacrifice and idealism. Diamonds can have a harmonizing influence on all the chakras. The color blue is connected to the throat chakra, which controls self-expression and communication.