Brilliant Cut
Brilliant cut diamonds have facets shaped like triangles and diamonds that radiate in an outward direction and create a sparkle effect when light hits them. Round, oval and marquis shapes of diamonds typically have a brilliant cut. The pear is a brilliant diamond, but people often wear them in earrings rather than on rings.
Step Cut Diamonds
The facets of a step cut diamond slope and have four sides and appear on diamonds and gemstones that have fewer or larger facets than brilliant cut diamonds. Step diamonds have facets cut from below the flat upper part of the diamond that continue to where the diamond sits. Step cut diamonds include the emerald variety.
Mixed diamonds share aspects of both brilliant and step cut diamonds. For example, a craftsman cuts one area of the gem in a brilliant cut and another area as a step cut. Colored varieties of gems use the mix cut, as do princess-shaped stones.
Antique cuts
For centuries, craftsmen have cut diamonds in several ways outside the modern norms. These antique diamonds cuts include the rectangular Old Mine and and Cusher cuts. The Rose cut creates the illusion of the diamond as a rose, and Asscher cut is similar to an octagon.