Hobbies And Interests

Uses for a Garnet

The garnet is a mineral often associated with January as the official birthstone of those born in that month. The garnet is a versatile mineral that has high hardness content and is very abrasive before treatment. Though the obvious use for a garnet would be for jewelry or other settings, there are numerous other uses for garnets, such as sandpaper and filtration.
  1. Jewelry

    • Garnets are the gemstone used to represent those born in January. This fire red gemstone can be placed in necklaces, ring settings, bracelets and even watches. Though dark red is the predominant color of garnets, they can also be found in reddish-orange, yellow and green tones.


    • The garnet mineral is very abrasive before it has been finished into the shiny, smooth jewel that most individuals know it as. Since it is derived from metamorphic rock formations and iron-rich materials, this mineral contains a high amount of strength that will not break down. When crushed and sorted, a garnet can be used as an abrasive for items such as sandpaper, sanding belts, sanding strips and discs.

    Water Filtration

    • There are a lot of common minerals that go into the process of water filtration. The garnet has abrasive materials that can purify water in filtration systems and remove impurities. When crushed into what is known as garnet sand, it is placed with other minerals into water filtration systems to create clean drinking water.

    Jet Cutting

    • Jet cutting is a process in which items are cut without the use of an actual blade. This is done by high-velocity, pressured water that is mixed with abrasive materials. Often this abrasive material is crushed garnet minerals. This process is used most often by mining and aerospace companies that need to cut into deep rock surfaces without the use of drills or heavy equipment.

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