The Tectonic Plates and Their Boundaries
There are seven major (primary) tectonic plates and numerous smaller secondary and tertiary plates. These plates are part of the lithosphere, a layer of comparatively light and brittle rock that lies on top of a layer called the aesthenosphere, which is rendered semi-fluid due to the immense temperature and pressure it is subjected to.
The aesthenosphere moves up to several centimeters a year, causing the overlying tectonic plates to move as well. When two plates converge, they collide and form a mountain range. Similarly, when they diverge, they form a valley, rift or ridge. Additionally, tectonic plates can move laterally relative to each other, as is the case at the San Andreas fault.
Volcanic activity and earthquakes are common at these boundaries. The Earth's crust is often thinner in these areas and sudden slippage of adjoining plates can occur when pressure builds up.
Mantle Convection
The middle layers of the Earth between the core and the crust are called the mantle. The mantle is heated from below by the radioactive decay of Uranium and cooled from above by passive dissipation and volcanic activity. Some of this heat is also transformed into movement. Differences in heat and density act on the mantle like a giant conveyor belt moving several centimeters per year. This is perhaps the greatest contributor to tectonic movement.
Gravitational Forces
The Earth's gravity exerts tremendous pressure upon the mantle and core layers. Due to local differences in density and thickness, however, this pressure isn't completely uniform. This difference in gravitational stress on the deep layers determines the direction that the aesthenosphere beneath the tectonic plates will move, and hence determines the general direction of tectonic movements.
Tidal Forces
In addition to the Earth's internal gravity, other celestial bodies can affect tectonic motion through gravitational attraction. The moon and, to a lesser extent, the sun both pull upon the Earth, slightly deforming its shape over the course of rotation. This deformation results in internal friction, which translates to heat. Thus, tidal forces contribute to a third, albeit minor, source of tectonic movement.
The Importance of Mantle Ductility
Tectonic plates exist only because the Earth's upper crust is hard and brittle while the mantle is ductile and flows like a very slow-moving fluid. Without a dynamic, moving mantle, the plates would stop moving despite the continued presence of some of these forces.