Salt Solution
A simple salt solution for crystals can be made by mixing 1/4-cup table salt into 1 cup of water. Let the mixture rest for one minute, then stir again, letting any undissolved salt settle to the bottom of the container. Pour the solution into a new container, leaving the undissolved salt behind in the original jar.
Sugar Solution
Make a sugar solution by bringing one cup water and and 2-1/2 cups sugar to a steady and even boil. Maintain the boil for about 30 minutes., until the solution reaches 250 degrees. You can use a sugar solution for making your own rock candy.
Alum Solution
Alum powder can be purchased at chemist's shop or perhaps in the spice section of your grocery store, as alum is used in making pickles. To make an alum solution, pour 600 mL. or 1 pint of water into a saucepan and add 100g of alum powder. Heat the mixture carefully while stirring to dissolve the powder. Add additional powder if you can get it to dissolve. Then, pour the mixture into another container to cool it. Once cool, stir in an addition 1 tbsp. alum powder.
Monoammonium Phosphate Solution
Monoammonium phosphate is often sold in crystal growing kits. To make a solution from it, mix 6 tbsp. monoammonium phosphate into 1/2-cup of water. Heat slowly and stir until the monoammonium phosphate is completely dissolved. The resulting solution will produce nice crystals, but If you slow down the solution's cooling process, perhaps by putting the hot solution into an ice chest, then you will have even larger and more impressive crystals.