Rotary Tumblers
Rotary tumblers rotate rocks in a rubber or plastic barrel. Tumbling wears down the outer surface, creating a smooth and polished stone. Rotary tumblers are designed for larger stones that need to be shaped and polished.
Vibratory Tumblers
Vibratory tumblers vibrate the stones in a bowl. Vibratory tumblers are ideal for smaller stones that only need polishing. A vibratory tumbler will not break and shape stones. You will need grit, tumbling media and polish for rotary and vibratory rock tumblers.
Rock Tumbler Kits for Children
Rock tumbler kits for children are only available in the rotary style. The barrel is made of plastic. Most kits include rocks, grit and polish. Children's rock tumbler kits are ideal for a young novice rock collector.
Ideal Location for a Rock Tumbler
You will also want to consider where the rock tumbler will be used in your home. Rotary rock tumblers can be noisy, depending on the barrel material. Plastics barrels are noisier than rubber barrels. A vibratory tumbler may need to be bolted to a table. A tumbler needs to run continuously for the rocks to be processed. Tumbling time for a rotary tumbler is about six weeks, compared to tree weeks for a vibratory tumbler.
Quality Rock Tumblers Are Expensive
Rock tumblers vary in quality and cost. Thoroughly consider your child and his needs before spending your money. A children's rock tumbler kit is an inexpensive way to introduce rock collecting. The rock tumblers designed for children are not intended for longterm use. You may want to consider an advanced rock tumbler if your child already has a strong interest and will be using the tumbler frequently.
Determining Which Rock Tumbler is Right for Your Child
Examine your child's rock collection before purchasing costly equipment. Bigger stones will need to be processed in a rotary tumbler. Smaller stones should be processed in a vibratory tumbler. If your child has not started collecting yet, inspect the rocks she will have access to. You want to buy equipment suitable for your environment. You can purchase rocks if you want your child to experience rock tumbling and don't live in an area featuring a variety of rocks.