Things You'll Need
Coarse Grit Tumbling
Wash the rocks or stones in a large bucket filled with water to remove any sand or debris. Sort and group the stones according to size and softness, then fill the rock tumbler no more than three-quarters full of stones of mixed sizes but similar quality.
Add two to three tablespoons of coarse grit, or according to the tumbler manufacturer's instructions for the type of rock or stones.
Add enough water to cover the stones, then close and secure the tumbler lid; place the cover on the unit and begin tumbling.
Tumble the rock or stones for five to seven days, adding water periodically as necessary. After five to seven days, check that rough edges on the stones are smooth before continuing with rinsing
Empty the tumbled stones into a large bucket of water and rinse off any coarse grit residue.
Fine or Medium Grit Tumbling
Rinse the rock tumbler cylinder and refill with the clean stones.
Add two to three tablespoons of medium grit to the rock, then cover with fresh water; place the cover back on the tumbler and secure.
Tumble the stones another five to seven days. Check the tumbler every 24 hours to check for sufficient smoothness and shine.
Remove the finished stones and rinse in large bucket filled with water, then allow to air dry before polishing.
Polish Tumbling
Rinse and clean the rock tumbler cylinder thoroughly of any grit and place the stones back into the tumbler. Add the correct amount of rock polish powder according to the manufacturer's directions.
Cover the stones and polish powder with water, then add enough plastic pellets as filler until the tumbler is three-quarters full; place the cover back on the tumbler and secure.
Tumble the stones for another five to seven days. Check the progress of the polish every 24 hours; stop tumbling when the polish appears complete.
Scoop the plastic pellets off the surface of the water and discard. Then move the stones to a large bucket of water to clean off the polishing medium.
Rinse and clean the tumbler cylinder carefully to ensure that no polishing medium remains. Allow the stones to air dry after the final polish.