Hobbies And Interests

How to Pan for Gold in Ogden, Utah

Northern Utah offers vast range of gold-rich territory for exploration. Utah laws allow recreational panning and prospecting on most open land without a permit and recreational dredging with permit in many locations. Ogden is close to the state's major gold-bearing territory. There are many resources in the Ogden area available for those interested in learning to pan and to research which areas offer the prospector the best chances of strike.

Things You'll Need

  • Gold pan
  • Shovel
  • Maps
  • Gold containers
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      Go to a local dealer to buy your panning supplies and equipment. You can start with as little as a gold pan and shovel. Equipment and supplies are available online, but you want to buy at least some supplies from a local dealer. The local prospecting supplier is B.G. Distributing, Inc. Get to know the shop personnel and chat with other customers that come in. Many good leads for local area "hot spots" come from other local prospectors.

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      Sign up with the local prospector's club. In Ogden, the Northern Utah Prospectors Association meets on the fourth Tuesday of every month at 7:00 pm at the Hinkley airport. Clubs have much to offer prospectors. The beginner will find help to learn the best methods of prospecting and panning. Those with more experience can still gain insight from socializing with other prospectors. People in the club will often have tips about little-known spots to prospect close to their own region that are kept relatively secret to others.

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      Study local historical and BLM mineral maps of the local area. You can find maps at the library, or the BLM office in Salt Lake City. The US Forest Service office at 25th Street in Ogden has some maps and information on areas that are open for panning in the region. The Historical Society in Salt Lake City has vital historical data about Ogden and surrounding areas which may provide clues to good prospecting territory in the Ogden area.

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      Visit city hall and ask to see records of local mining claims. If there are no records of claims, proceed to towns south or east of you. Most generally known gold locations near Ogden start just south of I-80 and traverse the entire width of the state. Other known concentrations also exist in regions east of Ogden. It is possible that claims exist in any area in northern Utah, so do your homework. When you find claims listed, find out if they are abandoned or on public grounds. Start your prospecting near or at abandoned claims wherever possible.

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      Explore. Not every spot you can find gold will be known or listed anywhere. Get to know what the rocks look like in gold-bearing areas near you, and explore areas that look as if they may be productive. Follow any tips or leads you have acquired through research and associations. There are possibilities of new gold strikes throughout northern Utah.

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