Use an amethyst fairy crystal in meditative work to increase healing properties, an aspect for which amethyst is well known. Place the stone in the area that needs healing or for an allover cleansing place the stone at the crown chakra at the top of your head. The crown chakra is associated with healing and spiritual awakening. Close your eyes and feel the cool body of the stone on your skin. Imagine a healing light emanating from the stone and covering the troubling area, or covering your entire being. Feel the healing vibrations of the stone. Lay still in meditation for at least 10 minutes. Once you have finished, stand up and stretch to ground yourself. Place the stone on a windowsill to absorb the healing energies of the sun.
Use the amethyst fairy stone to aid in study. Amethyst derives from a Greek word meaning "without drunkenness." It has sobering properties and helps to clear the mind. Hold it in your hand while studying or reflecting on spiritual learnings to find a deeper understanding of what you have read.
Protect yourself from bad dreams by placing an amethyst fairy stone under your pillow. Amethyst fairy crystal is also purported to cure insomnia.
Use an amethyst fairy stone for protection. An amethyst is a power stone, meaning it has several strong and useful properties including protection. Ancient Egyptians used amethyst to guard against guilty and fearful feelings. The small amethyst clusters over the quartz shaft will amplify the power of all the stones. It is claimed that wearing the stone will help protect your mind from unwanted feelings. Bathe the stone in full moonlight once a month to cleanse it.