According to "The Geologic Column of Missouri", lime is pulverized limestone. Lime has a number of commercial and agricultural uses, such as the neutralization of pH, odor control, steel manufacturing and sugar production.
"" describes chalk as a type of soft limestone. Chalk is usually white or light gray in color and is made up of microscopic marine fossils.
Coral Reefs
Coral reefs are limestone structures. According to "", the limestone that makes up a coral reef is deposited by living organisms, such as the limestone skeletons of stony corals.
According to "", travertine is a type of layered freshwater limestone formed by evaporative precipitation. Travertine often makes up the stalactites and stalagmites found in caves. It is often mined to be used as flooring or countertops for homes and businesses.
Limestone for Construction
Both aggregate and cement are limestone products involved in construction. Aggregate is produced from crushed quarry limestone. It is used in the construction of homes, highways, and other types of infrastructures. Cement is created by burning a mixture of limestone and other materials, such as shale, sand and fly ash. Cement is then mixed with gypsum and turned into concrete.