Things You'll Need
Mark a circle in the snow with a stick to show the perimeter of the the igloo and where the foundation layer of snow bricks will be.
Cut through hard, dry snow to carve out blocks that are three feet long, 15 inches high and eight inches deep. This snow should be cut from inside the circle that was drawn into the snow. Hard snow can usually be found underneath the fluffy, soft top layer of snow.
Lay the snow blocks around the perimeter of the hole that has been cut. Form them into a slanted, spiral shape. If you do not form the walls into this spiral shape you are essentially building a tower instead of a dome shape. The last block should be the tallest while the first block should be close to the ground.
Construct the rest of the walls by overlapping them with more snow bricks, shaping them to lean slightly inward so that they continue to form a dome shape. To keep the walls from falling in during the building process, prop them up with a stick until the last block is fit.
Make a hole in the wall for the door by cutting under the snow wall, making a large enough entrance for a person to fit through. This also can be used as a sink to let cold air escape. Use this door to shovel excess snow that builds up inside the igloo as you create the walls. Build up extra blocks on the inside of the igloo to make a bed platform.
Shape a large block to fit over the last hole on top of the dome. When you have placed it on top of the dome, go inside the igloo and maneuver the block until it wiggles and presses through the hole, fitting snugly in the correct spot.
Fill in any cracks with extra snow by smoothing the snow over the cracks with your hand.