Hobbies And Interests

Rock & Mineral Identifcation Software for Kids

When teaching kids about rocks and minerals, it helps to have software that aids in the teaching. Rocks and minerals identification software shows the children what different gemstones look like, as well as teaching about other factors that distinguish one rock from the next.
  1. Function

    • Rocks and minerals software is a learning tool for children to understand how the Earth, and the natural rocks that are a part of it, are made. When children can't get their hands on rocks and minerals to learn by, the software allows them to teach themselves and get a closer look at rocks and minerals.


    • Each rocks and minerals software has its own features, but they usually have a few things in common. They provide photos of the rocks and gemstones. Many teach how to test rocks to determine their name. Most answer the question on how rocks and minerals are formed in nature.


    • Cost of rocks and mineral software varies from $10 to $500. It all depends on if the software is for home use or an entire classroom. Software that is lower in cost has less information or extras and is usually not meant for a classroom setting.

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