Alum crystals are found throughout the entire world, as stated in Potassium Alum, but the primary location is in the Andes mountains in South America in Bolivia, Argentina and Chile. In the United States, alum crystals are found in Tennessee, Nevada and Arizona. Where large deposits are located, they are extracted in a quarry.
Commercial Uses
Alum crystals have been used for water purification, tanning, medical procedures, medicines and in cosmetics. The use of alum crystals has been well known for centuries, according to Alum Potassium. In medical procedures, it is used as a local astringent and as a styptic. When used commercially, it must be in its natural form and not a synthetic.
Personal Uses
The greatest use of alum crystals by individuals is in collections. Due to the shape and clear color of the crystal, collectors of rocks and minerals value alum crystals. They add a very good dimension to any collection. Alum crystals can also be used in the home for pickling. In addition, since alum crystals inhibit the growth of bacteria, they can be used as a natural deodorant.
Experiments have been performed with alum crystals, both by serious scientists and by amateur scientists for science fairs, as discussed in Mad Science Network. The purpose of these experiments is to determine how crystals are formed and how they grow. One interesting aspect is the effect of cold temperatures on growth. The results seem to show that at cold temperatures, the crystals grow larger.
Natural vs. Synthetic
Alum crystals can be produced synthetically; it is very easy to tell the difference between natural and synthetic. Potassium Alum states the obvious: that collectors prefer natural alum crystals. The synthetic ones are just not as pretty and desirable. In addition, synthetic crystals cannot be used in cosmetics, medical procedures or pickling. All require the natural forming crystals. Synthetic alum crystals can be used in industrial settings such as water purification and tanning. Those industrial uses prefer synthetic since it is much less expensive.