There is not a set standard for quality in opalite, as it is purchased primarily for its attractive appearance. However, consumers looking for healing stones should avoid broken or damaged pieces for obvious reasons. Opalite is easily found in most metaphysical supply stores and occult shops. A full selection of every variety is typically available and can also be found for sale via the Internet from countries around the world.
In healing work, opalite is used mainly to open the flow of energy between chakra points by clearing up blockages, stabilize the immune system and improve overall kidney function. It has been used to ease mood swings and for ridding blood of toxins. It is a potent energizer, so it is used to combat fatigue. It helps promote self-esteem and confidence and improves sexual health. In addition, it is noted for its ability to enhance memory. Opalite also assists with the transition through menopause, pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS) and the process of childbirth, and it has been used to help reduce harmful infections and fevers.
All crystals require cleansing to ensure that previous energies stored in or programmed into them have been fully removed. The simplest way to do this is to create an infusion that uses the purifying properties of herbs to rid the stone of unwanted qualities. A basic cleansing infusion recipe calls for 6 drops of essential pennyroyal oil, 4 tbsp. of chamomile and 4 tbsp. of mugwort. These herbal products are found in most metaphysical supply stores and natural foods stores. They should then be added, along with 2 cups of spring water, to a saucepan, which should be covered with a lid. The mixture should then be brought to a boil and subsequently simmered on low heat for approximately 15 minutes. After you allow the mixture to cool, strain the herbs through a cheesecloth or coffee filter before using it.
Chakra Connection
Opalite is primarily associated with the crown chakra and is thought to help the development of psychic abilities. The other chakras are also linked to this diverse stone. For instance, it is associated with the "third eye" for its alleged ability to create visions, as well as the throat chakra, due to its supposed ability to promote meaningful and deep communication skills.
Generally, once a stone has been cleansed it is worn or carried, usually in the form of jewelery. Sometimes individuals will carry a stone in a pocket or pouch, with the idea that the stone will transfer its healing properties through direct contact with the body over a period of time.