Gem-Hunting Basics
Gem-hunting requires a bit of digging in the dirt. Of course, warm, clear weather will make your gem-hunting experience more fun. Many families enjoy visiting gem-hunting attractions while traveling on vacation. Most gem sites offer use of picks, shovels and sluicing equipment, but you may want to bring some basic equipment for digging in public areas like state parks. You will need to bring heavy shoes, casual clothing, a hat, sunscreen and water to quench your thirst.
Where to Go Gem Hunting
Almost every region of the U.S. has some kind of gem-hunting opportunity. Connecticut has a number of gem-hunting opportunities to enjoy. The town of Roxbury, Connecticut has a gem mine called Green's Farm Garnet Mines in which you can go gem hunting for a fee. Franklin, North Carolina calls itself the gem-hunting capital of the world, and there are a number of different gem-hunting sites, such as Cowee Mountain Ruby Mine, where you can find emeralds, garnets, rubies and sapphires. Philipsburg, Montana is the home of the Gem Mountain site where you can dig for sapphires. Moose Lake in Minnesota offers agate hunting, as agate is the state's official gemstone. Almost every region of the U.S. has gem-mining opportunities you can enjoy on weekends or on vacations.
Knowing What to Look For
Once you pay the fee, it's up to you to work hard to find the gems. Generally, gem site owners will give you advice about exactly where to go and what you should be looking for. Gems in the rough may look a bit different than what you are accustomed to seeing in jewelry settings, so listen carefully to the site owner's information and look closely at the samples.
Making Jewelry from the Gems You Find
Some of these gem-mining sites will offer to facet the stones and set them into jewelry settings. Settings may be very simple or very ornate, and price will be the determining factor in what kind of setting you choose.
Where to Find Out More about Gem Hunting
There are a number of books on the market that list gem-hunting opportunities across the U.S. that can help you locate places to try in your area or on your vacation route. Some people join local treasure-hunting clubs that go with their group to sites where gems can be found. Geology societies can give you information about gem hunting in your area. An internet search can call up a number of sites that offer gem hunting on their properties.