Things You'll Need
Research the regions of Alabama that have known presence of rock fossils. Ideal areas in Alabama that fossils have been found in previously are located in and around the northeast part of the state, where the region gives rise to the Appalachian mountains. Maps can be obtained from the Geological Survey of Alabama (see Resources).
Obtain a fossil collecting guide with descriptions and pictures of fossils indigenous to Alabama and the Southeast. This will aid in identifying fossils when you come across a shape that is unfamiliar.
Wear a hat and sunscreen if searching during the summertime. Alabama temperatures can soar into the 90-degree range and be accompanied by high humidity. Ensure that you take plenty of water along with you as well.
Locate fossil-collecting sites such as abandoned quarries, cliff sides, ditches or other areas with a large amount of loose rock. Be sure to wear sturdy boots. Use caution when traversing this type of terrain to avoid falls.
Sift through loose rocky material and carefully observe each rock for the presence of fossils. These may be small impressions on the rock surface, typical of marine invertebrates present in Alabama. Use a small rock hammer to get at embedded fossils in larger surfaces.
Document the area where you found the fossils with a digital camera and take notes. Obtain any permit that you may need through the state to collect the fossil. Some fossils that are considered rare may need to be surrendered to a state institution for examination.