Things You'll Need
You will need to choose where in your yard to look for gold. Gold is an extremely dense element and will most generally be found on bedrock or in stream beds where it was deposited by the current. If your yard has no exposed bedrock, you will probably have to dig down to it. Another tip to find gold is to look for quartz. Quartz is often found near gold, and the presence of quartz in a location is a good indicator.
Once you have chosen where to take your sample, use your shovel or trowel to fill your gold pan to about two-thirds full. Do not in any way sort the soil; that is the work of the water.
Submerge the gold pan into water and gently make a circular motion to get the sample moving in the pan. During this process dirt will immediately mix with water and the muddy water will start to float out of the pan. Wash off any large rocks into the pan and remove them.
As the sample begins moving in the pan, lift the pan from the water and continue to make the circular motion allowing floating material to be washed out of the pan. The goal is to remove lighter material from the pan.
Continue this process until only a small amount of the material is left in the pan. You will probably need to go through three cycles in most locations. Once only a small amount remains, carefully examine your pan for gold.