Things You'll Need
Obtain a geological map of known gold veins in Georgia. Many mines offer these maps to their customers, though the map is typically of an area on the company̵7;s property. Maps give you known locations of gold veins and mining regions based on historical geological records.
Search the map for a good, accessible location. Some locations may be on private property, while others are on public lands or state parks. Choose the most convenient location.
Locate the river or stream that shows potential for gold ore. Find a shallow area near sandy or rocky shoals with water that is flowing steadily. Certain regions in Georgia ideal for finding gold are surrounded by hills, with rivers or streams following down the slope. Ideal are around river bends, where water is circulating, and in lower shallow areas with many silty deposits.
Dip your pan into the river or streambed, and sift through the minerals on top by shaking the pan back and forth slowly. The yellow color of gold ore will be easily spotted among the darker rocks, and you may find a few other precious gems or quartzite rock while panning.