Hobbies And Interests

Diamond Farrier Tools

A farrier is a person who deals with the upkeep of horse hooves. Diamond Farrier Tools are a brand of tools used to care for horse hoofs.
  1. Hoof Nipper

    • A hoof nipper is one of Diamond's most important product offerings. This instrument is used to slice the hoof wall down to size. This product is also used to trim extra sole or hoof areas from the horse. This is especially important for racehorses, because it helps the animal grip the track without the feeling of having an obstruction on the hoof. The tool resembles pliers and is made of steel with jaws and handles consisting of preheated materials or plastic.

    Rasp and File

    • Diamond's 14-inch horse rasp and file is used for racetrack and other horses that run on light hoofs. It files down the hoofs to the appropriate thickness. Sharper than regular rasps, this tool has rasp teeth one side and file teeth on the other.

    Nail Pullers

    • Diamond also sells nail pullers to farriers. These are similar to the nail clippers people use to trim nails. This item usually consists of a set of pullers and a nail clincher that holds the nails in place.

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