Things You'll Need
Use the knife to cut 10 cm off the bottom of one water bottle.
Remove the bottle cap. Attach the coffee filter to the outside of the bottle neck using the elastic band.
Cut 10 cm off the top of the second water bottle.
Turn the first bottle (the one with the coffee filter on it) upside down and insert it, neck first, into the second bottle. The top bottle is the filter and lower bottle is the water collector.
Pour the gravel into the bottle opening. The coffee filter should stop it falling through the bottle neck. Add the coarse sand on top of the gravel. Tip the fine sand on top of the coarse sand to create a layered effect.
Pour the tap water through the filter to clean it.
Pour the dirty water into the filter to test it. The water collected in the lower bottle should be filtered clear. Your filter will now be complete.