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What Is Blue Quartz?

Blue quartz contains a crystalline structure and can appear as having a smooth or coarse texture. The color of blue quartz is produced by blue mineral inclusions in the stone or from the Rayleigh scattering of light effect, also produced by mineral inclusions.
  1. Geography

    • Geologists have found blue quartz primarily in Brazil and Spain. Specimens of blue quartz exist in streams, beaches and metamorphic and igneous rocks.


    • The composition of quartz is made entirely of silicon and oxygen. Quartz measures seven on the Mohr's hardness scale and has a hexagonal crystal structure, according to the University of California-Berkley.


    • The color of blue quartz ranges from a grayish blue to dark blue and has translucent properties, according to The Quartz Page.

    Mineral Composition

    • Minerals that contribute to the color of blue quartz include tourmaline, dumortierite and riebeckite.


    • Color centers and trace elements do not contribute to the coloring of natural blue quartz specimens, according to The Quartz Page.

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