Things You'll Need
Cut a piece of cardboard with scissors to fit inside a cookie sheet or baking tray with edges. This will provide a base for the volcano. Newspapers spread under the base can help soak up any mess that cannot be contained. Place the base in a location that can be used for several days. Volcano setup and drying can take a long time.
Glue the bottom of a plastic soda bottle to the center of the cardboard with a liberal amount of white school glue. Let the glue dry while completing step 3.
Mix 6 cups of flour and 2 cups of salt in a large bowl. Slowly add 1 to 2 cups of water and stir until the mixture resembles modeling clay.
Use the flour mixture to model a volcano shape around the plastic soda bottle that is now mounted to the cardboard base. Be careful not to cover the hole in the top of the bottle. More than one batch of modeling clay may be needed, depending on the size of the soda bottle. Let the volcano dry for 12 to 24 hours.
Paint the volcano with modeling paint after it has dried. This is an optional step but it will help make the volcano look more authentic. Green paint can be used at the bottom to represent vegetation, brown for the body of the volcano and white near the top to represent snow. However, any colors can be used in any manner desired. The paint will generally take at least one or two hours to dry.
Use a funnel to pour 1/2 cup of vinegar, 1 tsp. of red food coloring and a few drops of liquid dishwashing liquid into the hole at the top of the volcano. Place 3 or 4 tsp. of baking soda in a piece of tissue or toilet paper. Bring each of the corners in and twist them together to form a teardrop-shaped capsule of baking soda.
Drop the baking soda capsule into the top of the volcano and wait a few seconds. Make sure the area around the volcano is covered with newspaper and fully prepared for any "lava" spillage.
Clean up all spillage and dump out any liquid still remaining in the volcano. Rinse the inside of the bottle with water and repeat steps 6 and 7 the next time you want to see an eruption.