Historically, Madagascar was the primary source of aquamarine, according to CW Jewelers. As of 2010, Gem Select reports that aquamarine is mined in China, Kenya, Australia and in the U.S., among several other countries.
In order to make gemstones with a richer, blue color, aquamarine is frequently subjected to heat treatments. The heat is typically between 400 to 450 degrees C.
Aquamarine is used in a wide variety of jewelry. CW Jewelers reports that it is used in rings, pendants, pins and bracelets for women and children.
Aquamarine Size
Unlike many gemstones, aquamarine has been found in extremely large sizes. The largest recorded gem quality stone was found in Brazil and weighed 243 pounds, reports Gem Select.
Cultural Connections
Aquamarine is the birth stone for those born in March. It is reputed to have healing powers and to be considered good luck by sailors.