According to traditional Indian medicine, bloodstone helps to balance the sacral, base and heart chakras, or "force centers," in the body -- especially the latter two. Meditation seeks to bring all chakras into alignment for proper spiritual focus.
The detoxification properties of the bloodstone are said to aid in the healing of diseases of the blood, kidneys, liver, spleen, bladder and intestines.
Bloodstone is commonly referred to as the hero's stone and provides courage and strength in the face of enemies. The stone is also able to protect people from themselves by helping them resist personal desires that may cause danger.
Luck and Optimism
Because both optimism and luck are promoted by bloodstones, many believe that carrying one in the wallet will promote wealth.
When a person undergoes uncomfortable or unpleasant changes in life, a bloodstone is purported to help remind them that change often has benefits and must be endured in order for life to improve.
Zodiac Signs
The bloodstone has been associated with Aries, Pisces, Scorpio and Libra astrological signs.