Find a quiet place where you can sit comfortably without interruption. Sit and clear your mind by breathing slowly in and out until you feel focused and are free of outside distractions. It is important to have a clear understanding of what you wish to achieve by charging your crystal or gemstone. In his book "Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Crystal, Gem &Metal Magic," author Scott Cunningham writes, "These rocks and minerals are used in two basic ways; to drive off unwanted, negative energies, or to put energies into an object or person." The more aware you are of your goals, the more successful your results will be.
Hold the crystal or gemstone in your dominant hand, which is usually the hand you write with. Allow your body to become focused on the object until it no longer feels foreign to your touch. The stone should feel neutral, with little to no pulse.
Focus your energy into the crystal or gem by concentrating on your goal and focusing that energy into the stone in your hand. If you are having difficulty concentrating, imagine your energy flowing from your chest, down your arm and hand, into the stone. Channeling your energy into a stone is done the same way that electricity travels through a wire to give enough heat for a filament to produce the the glowing light in a light bulb. Cunningham notes that you will know the stone is charged when it is pulsating with your own personal energy.