Chalcedony is a type of quartz whose crystals are too small to be seen by the naked eye. Jasper, bloodstone, onyx, carnelian, flint and chert are all types of chalcedony.
Chalcedony comes in many colors, mostly red, black, purple, green, turquoise, yellow, orange and brown. Agate varieties of chalcedony are banded with many visible colors.
Chalcedony is usually found in smooth, round or ovular forms that resembles pebbles.
Hardness and Streak
On Moh's scale--which ranks the hardness of minerals from the softest, talc, at one to the hardest, diamonds, at 10--chalcedony is considered a seven. When chalcedony is scratched against a surface, it creates a white streak.
Luster and Transparency
Chalcedony ranges from transparent to opaque. The luster of chalcedony ranges from vitreous or glassy to waxy to even dull.