Color Composition
The percentages of manganese, copper and iron in a Paraiba determines its color. The higher the concentration of copper, the deeper and more electric the blue shades become. Tourmalines normally do not contain copper.
Rare Gem
Paraiba tourmalines are found only in Mozambique, Nigeria and Brazil. These areas have the copper-rich soils needed to create the gem's bold colors. They also must be mined using hand tools so as not to fracture the crystals.
African Paraibas
The stones found in Nigeria tend to range from mint green to various shades of aqua. In Mozambique, Pariabas have been found in a greater assortment of colors including mint green, aqua, teal, deep blues and violets and even fuchsia. African stones also tend to be larger.
Brazilian Paraibas
Brazilian Paraibas are found in shades of deep neon blues to yellow-tinted aquas. They are rarely found in weights over 1 carat.
Because the stones are so rare, more so than diamonds, they carry a high monetary value. Stones can start out at U.S. $5,000 per carat and can be priced up to U.S. $60,000 per carat. Gemstones weighing more than 3 carats average a value of U.S. $10,000 per carat.
Fun Fact
Blue Paraiba tourmaline is credited with having a calming effect on the wearer, making her more perceptive and inclined to help others. It also is believed to increase patience.