Amethyst is a member of the quartz family of crystals, along with citrine, smoky quartz and rose quartz. Its color ranges from pale violet to deep purple. Amethysts can often be found in volcanic rock pockets. On the Mohs scale of hardness, amethyst rates a 7, which makes it a hard stone, very useful for jewelry designs.
The word amethyst is derived from the Greek word "amethystos," which means "sober" or "not drunk." It was thought that as the color of amethyst resembled the color of wine, it gave protection against the effects of wine. In the Bible, Moses referred to amethyst as a symbol of the Spirit of God. St. Valentine was said to wear an amethyst ring. It was worn by ancient Egyptian soldiers to give courage during battle. Amethyst has been known as the stone of royalty and has been worn by princes, rulers and high-ranking religious officials for many centuries.
Brazil and Uruguay are the primary sources of amethyst. Smaller deposits are found in Russia, Mexico, Africa, Canada and the United States.
Amethysts found in Brazil are mostly pale purple or light violet in color. Amethysts from Madagascar are deeper violet to reddish-purple. Those amethysts found in Uruguay are probably the most popular, as they are the deepest purple.
Interesting Facts
Amethyst is the stone for the zodiac sign of Aquarius and the birthstone for February. Amethysts have been used throughout history as bringers of rain, protectors from snakebite and protective talismans during battle. They are used as soothing stones to promote peaceful sleep and are believed to reduce stress and ease headaches.