Things You'll Need
Fill the rock tumbler barrel 2/3 to 3/4 of the way with your unpolished rocks. Add 4 tbsp. coarse grit, then add enough water to reach the top level of rocks. Close the barrel and situate it in place on the tumbler. Run the tumbler constantly for seven days. After that, remove the rocks and discard the grit and water. Rinse the rocks and the barrel. Discard any broken or small, inadequate rocks.
Add the rocks back into the tumbler barrel. Add 4 tbsp. medium grit and enough water to reach the top level of rocks. Close the barrel. Run the tumbler for seven more days. Remove the rocks and discard the other contents. Rinse the rocks and barrel.
Place the rocks in the barrel. Add enough plastic pellets to fill the barrel 2/3 to 3/4 of the way, as well as 3 tbsp. pre-polish grit and enough water to reach the top level of rocks. Run the tumbler for 10 days, then remove the rocks and discard the other contents. Rinse the rocks and barrel.
Place the rocks in the barrel. Add 2 tbsp. polish grit. Use the knife to shave off 1/2 tbsp. worth of flakes from the bar of Ivory soap. Add the flakes and enough water to reach to the top layer of rocks into the barrel. Run the tumbler for two weeks. Remove the rocks and rinse them to reveal attractively polished stones.