Go outside and grab a rock, some dirt or some water from a nearby stream. Low levels of uranium are almost certainly going to be found, but not nearly enough to be of any harm to you, or any benefit either.
Locate a huge open expanse of unoccupied land and drill a great big hole. By drilling and blasting in this open pit format, you will be able to expose enough rocks to be able to extract large amounts of uranium.
Choose your location properly, though. Nearly one-fourth of the world's uranium supply comes from Canada, with Australia, Russia and several African nations (like South Africa) close behind.
Wear some protective breathing apparatus. Uranium ore is dangerous, as the mining process results in the release of deadly radon gas. If you want to avoid cancer, which many early miners of uranium ended up succumbing to later in life, you'll pay heed to this warning.
If your thirst for uranium mining is still unquenched, go ahead and try to sign up for action at any of the new mining sites currently planned for launch, such as Baker Lake in Nunavut, Canada, the Jabiluka Mine in Australia or Sweetwater, in Wyoming.