Things You'll Need
Clear Quartz is the ultimate booster and protection stone. Use it for its own properties and use it to give the other stones more power. Keep one in your pocket, under your pillow, or just put it in your pouch with your other medicine stones.
If you are lying down, place one or more of the listed stones on your sixth chakra, the third eye. A good starting combination, and easy to find, is Clear Quartz and Amber or Tiger Eye. You can also place the Clear Quartz on the solar plexus chakras and use the other stones on your crown chakra.
Find or make a bracelet using as many of these stones as you can find. Wear it on your wrist, but even better is to wear it on your head.
Selenite, Citrine and Sodalite are great focus stones when used as paperweights or decoration for your desk.
An ideal environment for mental focus would be to surround yourself with specimens of these stones as decorative objects. You can also find small specimens and keep them in a medicine pouch, pocket, or even your desk drawer.