Green Living
The idea of going green comes from the necessity to maintain a sustainable world. Sustainability is the process of satisfying current resource needs without depleting resources of future generations. Going green involves finding a balance between what is used and what can be regenerated. Individuals, communities and governments are all key players in sustainability. If they work together, they can help ensure that future generations will continue to be able to experience high-quality life. Going green can also involve promoting healthy living habits and attitudes such as healthy eating, conservation of resources and environmental awareness.
Almost 85 percent of U.S. energy comes from non-renewable coal, oil and natural gas resources. These fuels are being extracted at growing rates to facilitate rising energy demands and may soon be depleted. Green energy focuses on conserving energy by using only what is necessary and also utilizing renewable resources such as hydro, solar and wind power as alternatives to non-renewable resources. Going green at home can include simple actions such as turning off lights in rooms that are not being used, using incandescent light bulbs and purchasing products that are energy efficient.
Planes, trains and automobiles depend on fossil fuels such as oil and gas. These fossil fuels are considered non-renewable due to the millions of years it takes to create them, and they are being depleted by increased consumer demand. Green transportation aims to reduce the reliance on fossil fuels by promoting alternative transportation methods that include electric cars, hydrogen power, bicycles and communities designed to promote walking instead of vehicle use. Alternative means of transportation would also reduce the amount of unhealthy air pollution conventional transportation produces, including carbon dioxide.
In 2011, Americans generated approximately 250 million tons of trash. This municipal solid waste requires energy to manage and includes potentially hazardous chemicals that can leak out of landfills when it rains. Municipal solid waste also contains non-biodegradable items such as plastics that also pollute the environment. Going green can help reduce waste by recycling products that might otherwise be thrown away. Other suggestions for reducing waste include composting organic waste, such as food scraps and yard trimmings, to make natural fertilizer as a substitution for commercial chemical fertilizers; using cloth bags instead of paper or plastic for shopping; and supporting and patronizing businesses that recycle.