Port Status Indicator
If the port status indicator is off entirely, the adapter is either not receiving power or not connected properly to the drive. If the port status indicator is flashing red, the adapter is not communicating with the drive. If the port status indicator is solid red, the drive has failed to connect to the adapter because another peripheral is using the same input/output port as the adapter. Flashing green indicates that the adapter is in the process of connecting to the drive, while solid green indicates that it has successfully connected.
Mod Status Indicator
If the mod status indicator is off, the adapter is not receiving power. If it̵7;s flashing or solid red, the adapter has failed its built-in firmware or hardware test. If it is flashing green, the adapter is working but not transferring data to and from the drive. Solid green indicates it is working and transferring data properly.
Net Status Indicator
The net status indicator allows network connectivity to be monitored. If it is off completely, the adapter is receiving no power at all or it is incorrectly connected to the network. If it̵7;s flashing red, the network connection has timed out; if it̵7;s solid red, the adapter is attempting to use a network address that isn̵7;t unique or is configured to use an incorrect data transfer rate. As with the mod status indicator, flashing green indicates correct configuration but no data transfer, and solid green indicates correct configuration and data transfer.
Corrective Actions
If any status indicator is off completely, ensure that the adapter is securely connected to the AC drive and the network, and that power is applied to both the drive and the network. If any status indicator is flashing or solid red, make sure that all cables are securely connected and undamaged. If flashing red, try cycling power to the drive. If the mod status indicator shows a firmware or hardware fault, you may need to reset the adapter to factory defaults, flash it with the latest version of firmware or, in the worst case, replace it with a new adapter.