Things You'll Need
Dissolve 1 cup of granulated sugar in 2 1/2 cups of water in a saucepan. Heat the pan to boiling, stirring the contents to ensure the sugar is incorporated. Pour the solution into a beaker and allow it to cool until the temperature is between 105 and 110 degrees.
Add 1 packet of yeast and a tablespoon of pectin to the solution. Stir the contents and loosely cover the beaker with plastic wrap.
Observe the beaker's contents for several days. Methanol can be made when the bubbling action caused by the yeast ceases and the liquid is not as cloudy.
Place the rubber stopper into the beaker. Insert one end of tubing through the hole in the stopper and the other end into an empty beaker.
Heat the beaker containing the solution to a boil slowly. Vapor will travel through the tubing and condense into the second beaker. The first amount of distilled liquid to appear in the second beaker is methanol.