Establish the time period associated with the number of cubic feet. This is usually cubic feet per second, per minute or per hour.
Multiply the number of cubic feet by 7.48, the number of gallons in 1 cubic foot. The result is cubic feet converted to gallons. For example, 10 cubic feet is equivalent to 74.8 gallons because 10 times 7.48 equals 74.8.
Multiply the result from Step 2 by the appropriate conversion factor shown below. The result is the number of cubic feet expressed as gallons per day.
For cubic feet per second: Multiply by 86,400, the number of seconds in 1 day.
For cubic feet per minute: Multiply by 1,440, the number of minutes in a day.
For cubic feet per hour: Multiply by 24, the number of hours in a day.
For example, 4 cubic feet per second is equivalent to 345,600 gallons per day -- 4 multiplied by 86,400 equals 345,600.