Texas Instruments' first graphing calculator, the TI-81, features a 2 megahertz processor and 2.4 kilobytes of RAM. The TI-81 defined the style that would remain present throughout the rest of the TI-8x calculators with a large screen at the top of the calculator and several rows of color-coded buttons underneath along with four directional buttons for manipulating graphs and scrolling through text. Unlike later calculators, the TI-81 lacked any kind of linking support or support for new programs.
The TI-82 was a major upgrade to the TI-81. Its 6 MHz processor gives it three times the processing power and its 32 kilobytes of RAM provide far more memory, enabling the calculator to perform more complicated tasks than its predecessor. The TI-82 also includes linking support, allowing the calculator to connect to other calculators or computers to transfer data and programs.
The TI-83 features roughly identical hardware to the TI-82, save for its new curved case and only 27 kilobytes of RAM. The TI-83s primary advantage is in its built-in programming interface that allows users to write their own programs on the calculator. These programs can simplify many commonly repeated tasks. The TI-83 includes a number of user interface improvements as well, including new graph styles and table labeling.
TI-83 Plus
The TI-83 Plus expanded its RAM capacity to 32 kilobytes, upgraded its processor speed to 8MHz and included 160 kilobytes of storage space for applications. These applications can be created on the calculator, transferred from other calculators or transferred from a computer. The increased storage space allows for users to store a larger number of more complex programs, further simplifying the execution of complex tasks.
TI-83 Plus Silver Edition
The silver edition of the TI-8 Plus is far more powerful than any of its predecessors. It features a 15 MHz processor, 128 kilobytes of RAM and 1.5 megabytes of storage space. The silver edition also supports an external TI keyboard and networking via a TI Navigator.