Things You'll Need
Examine the geophone's terminals. On the top of the metal can packaging there should be two terminals. One is marked with a plus sign to designate the positive terminal. The other terminal will either have no marking or a minus sign to designate the negative terminal that is tied to the circuit ground.
Prepare the geophone connectors. If your connector is of the plug variety, then you have no further work to do in this step. However, if you are using clip connectors, use wire cutters to cut lengths of wire long enough to connect between the geophone and the op amp. For clip connectors, use the wire strippers to remove roughly one inch of insulation so that you can wrap the bare wire around the clip end and solder it in place with the solder and soldering iron.
Connect the geophone connectors. If you are using clip connectors, simply clip them to the respective geophone terminals. Otherwise, make sure that your plug connector properly connects to the appropriate terminals. In either case, you will need to keep track of which wire is for the positive connection and which is for the negative connection.
Make the connection to the op-amp circuit. If not already done, use the wire stripper to remove about one half inch of insulation from the wires that are to connect to the op circuit. Review the schematic to locate the input terminal and the circuit ground. If your circuit has screw terminal connections, tighten them in their appropriate terminals with a screwdriver. Otherwise, locate the corresponding solder connections on the circuit board and use the solder and soldering iron to secure these wires in place.