Things You'll Need
Switch on the rotary pump and wait for the pressure to get to 10^-3 millibar. Switch on the turbo pump, and wait for it to ramp up. Wait until a pressure of approximately 10^-6 millibar is reached.
Connect an RF cable between the RF matching unit and RF power supply. Connect another cable between the RF matching unit, and the RF vacuum chamber electrode socket.
Partially close the valve to the turbo pump. Switch on the Argon mass flow controller, and set a pressure of 15 millibar. Switch on the RF power supply and matching unit. Set a forward power of 50 Watts. The matching unit is heard as it tries to minimize the reflected RF power. When the reflected power is less than 1 percent of the forward power, increase the forward power to approximately 150 Watts. The plasma within the chamber should light, and be visible though the chamber view-port. Slowly decrease the forward power back to 50 Watts. The RF couple plasma is created.