Turn on the fan by pressing the ̶0;On-Off̶1; button, which is a single button located on one side of the fan. Locate the set of three buttons on the opposite side of the fan. Press the middle button and hold it until a flashing cursor is displayed on the rotating fan blades.
Press the top button to program a letter; the letter ̶0;A̶1; appears in place of the cursor. Press the button repeatedly to scroll through the alphabet. When you reach the letter that you want, press the middle button once. The cursor will move to the space for the next character.
Press the bottom button to program a number or special symbol. Press the button repeatedly to scroll through the available characters. When you reach the character that you want, press the middle button once. The cursor will move to the space for the next character.
Continue your message, using as many letters or characters as your fan allows, by repeating the procedure. When your message is complete, press and hold the middle button for a short while to store the message in the fan memory.
Program another message if you wish. Press the middle button momentarily to initiate the sequence. Most LED mini-fans can store up to four or six messages, using no more than 50 characters in total.