Things You'll Need
Plug the electrical signal into one of the oscilloscope inputs. There are usually two inputs on an oscilloscope, labeled "A" and "B." Turn the relevant input on by pressing the "A" or "B" button.
Modify the time/division setting. This changes the horizontal scale on the oscilloscope screen and the amount of time that each division represents. Change the setting until the pulse becomes visible on the screen.
Modify the volts/division setting. This changes the vertical scale on the oscilloscope screen and the number of volts that each division represents. The DC-to-DC pulse should now be isolated on the oscilloscope screen. The pulse duration can be calculated by counting the number of horizontal divisions over which the pulse is at a given value and multiplying this number by the time/division. The amplitude of the pulse can be calculated by counting the number of vertical divisions between the pulse "on" and "off" states, and multiplying this by the volts/division.