Things You'll Need
Draw a chart with two rows and four columns. On the left, one row is labeled ̶0;Acids̶1; and the other row is labeled ̶0;Bases.̶1; Leave room on top of each column to label the column with an attribute that distinguishes an acid from a base.
Label the first column ̶0;Feel.̶1; In the Acid row, write ̶0;Will cause burning in any small cuts.̶1; In the Base row, write ̶0;Feels slippery.̶1;
Write ̶0;Taste̶1; to label the second column. In the Acid row of this column write ̶0;Sour.̶1; In the Bases row, write ̶0;Bitter.̶1;
Put ̶0;Litmus paper̶1; as the third label. In this column, in the Acid row, write ̶0;Red.̶1; In the Bases row, write ̶0;Blue.̶1;
Choose ̶0;Ph̶1; as the last label. In the Acid row, write ̶0;Less than 7.̶1; In the Bases row write ̶0;More than 7.̶1;